


The Study on Twelve Weeks of Exercise Intervention Affected the Weight Control Class Students' Body Composition and Image




林作慶(Tso-Ching Lin);張志銘(Chih-Ming Chang);許弘毅(Hung-Yi Hsu);賴永成(Yong-Cheng Lai)


運動介入 ; 身體組成 ; 身體意象 ; exercise intervention ; body composition ; body image




6卷3期(2012 / 03 / 01)


20 - 29




本研究目的在探討十二週運動介入對體重控制班學生身體組成以及身體意象的影響。以大葉大學34位身體質量指數(Body mass index;BMI)≧27.5的男同學為研究對象,隨機分配到體重控制班(實驗組)及控制組各17名。實驗組接受十二週,每週三次,每次40-50分鐘55-70%最大心跳率的健走運動以及每週一次的重量訓練,控制組則維持正常作息。二組受試者在實驗前後均接受身體組成(Inbody 220)檢測及填寫身體意象問卷。運動介入的效果:以相依樣本t檢定考驗二組在前、後測之差異情形;以獨立樣本t檢定考驗運動介入後二組間身體組成及身體意象之差異。結果顯示1.實驗組在後測之體重、BMI及體脂肪重低於前測及控制組後測部份,並達顯著差異水準(α<.05)。2.骨骼肌重、蛋白質含量、總礦物(骨質)含量及基礎代謝率部份,二組之組間及組內則均無明顯改變。3.身體意象部份,實驗組後測成績優於前測且達顯著差異(α<.05)。結論:十二週的運動介入對大學體重控制班學生的身體組成有明顯的改善;身體意象也有明顯的提升效果。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate how twelve weeks of exercise intervention affected the weight control class students' body composition and image. Thirty four male students (Body Mass Index => 27.5) from Da-Yeh University served as the subjects and were randomly allocated into experimental and control groups. (17 subjects for each group) The experimental group accepted twelve weeks (3 times a week, each time lasted 40-50 minutes) of 55-70% maximum heart rate fitness walking and weight training. (Applied once a week) On contrary, the controlled group remained regular life model. The subjects from both groups all accepted body composition examination (Inbody 220) and completed the fill out of body image questionnaires. The paired and independent samples t tests were applied to study the differences between pre and post tests. The results were as followed: 1. There were reaching the statistical significance (α<.05) on the difference between the pre and post test of experimental group's weight, BMI, body fat weight and body fat percentage. The post test result of experimental group was lower than that of pre test and post test of the controlled group. There were not much change between skeletal muscle weight and basic metabolism rate. 2. On the factors of skeletal muscle weight, protein level, bone density and metabolism rate, there was not reaching the statistical significance between two groups. 3. Regarding the result of body image, there were reaching the statistical significance (alpha < .05) on the difference between the pre and post tests of experimental group. The post test result of the experimental group was superior to that of the pre test. In conclusion, the twelve weeks of exercise intervention effectively improved the body compositions and body images of students from the weight control class.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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