


The Development of Adolescent Online Reading Literacy Assessments


張貴琳(Kuei-Lin Chang)


資訊與通訊科技 ; 線上閱讀素養 ; Rasch IRT模式 ; information and communication technology ; online reading literacy ; Rasch IRT model




26卷2期(2013 / 12 / 01)


29 - 65




本研究兼顧閱讀素養和資訊與通訊科技媒介特色,針對線上閱讀素養的可能內涵,發展兩個青少年線上閱讀素養評量工具,並針對可行性樣本,提出初步效度的檢驗,同時描述樣本的表現特徵。研究者依據PISA電子閱讀評量架構,並參酌Leu等人(2004)線上閱讀理解之內涵,進行評量工具的發展,並分別針對601位八年級學生和618位十年級學生進行施測。使用Rasch IRT模式進行題目參數與表現估計。結果顯示,兩個評量工具有良好的試題品質,難度適中,鑑別度良好,適合青少年學生。在內容效度、實質效度、結構效度、解釋性等層面有良好的效度證據支持。線上閱讀素養包含ICT成份,有別於離線閱讀。中學生的線上閱讀素養表現存在顯著的性別差異。


By adopting the constructs of reading literacy and with the use of information and communication technology, the purpose of this study is to develop two adolescent online reading literacy assessments (ORLA) and examine the preliminary validity of ORLA. In addition, samples of online reading literacy performance are described. The design of ORLA is based on PISA electronic reading assessment framework and Leu et al. (2004)'s online reading comprehension definition. A total of 601 eighth graders from junior high schools and 618 tenth graders from senior high schools in Taiwan City participated in this study. This study uses Rasch IRT model to calibrate the item parameter and scale scores. The results indicated: the online reading literacy assessments had adequate difficulty level, reasonable validity evidences, and students' online reading literacy performance contains ICT element which is different from offline reading; the gender effect exists in the online reading environment by grades.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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