


The Longitudinal Analysis of Elementary School Pupils' Science Competition Experience, Intrinsic Motivation and Creativity Growth


蕭佳純(Chia-Chun Hsiao)


科學展覽 ; 動機 ; 創造力 ; 階層線性模式 ; 縱貫性分析 ; creativity ; hierarchical linear modeling ; longitudinal analysis ; motivation ; science fair




27卷2期(2014 / 12 / 01)


33 - 66






Comparing students who have participated in Taiwan International Science Fair and those who have not, this study aims to understand the creativity development between the ones with creativity trainings for participating in the Fair and the ones who did not participate in science fair and did not receive any related trainings. Furthermore, this study intends to investigate the effects of intrinsic motivation on the development of creativity between the two groups. From National Taiwan Science Education Center, 208 student participants of the 41^(st)-50^(th) Fair and 871 non-participants were sampled through their teachers who voluntarily participated in this study. With growth model analysis in Hierarchical Linear Modeling, individual differences in scientific creativity between science fair participants and non-participants were found and its growth was developed distinctively. Students who participated in Taiwan International Science Fair presented downward development in scientific creativity and then upward, while the non-participants revealed upward then downward development. In regard to intrinsic motivation, science fair participants showed positive effects of Self-efficacy and Internal value on creativity, while their intrinsic motivation presents moderating effects on the rapid growth of creativity. Contrarily, intrinsic motivation did not appear to have any effects on non-participants. Based on the research outcomes, relevant suggestions are further proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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