


The Elementary School Teachers' Successful Guidance Strategies for Intervening Children's Bullying Behaviors


杜淑芬(Su-Fen Tu)


初級輔導 ; 班級經營 ; 國小導師 ; 欺凌行為 ; 霸凌防治 ; anti-bullying ; bullying behavior ; class management ; elementary school teachers ; guidance strategies




28卷1期(2015 / 06 / 01)


99 - 130






The purpose of this study was to explore the guidance strategies adopted by elementary homeroom teachers for their interventions on children's bullying behaviors. Adopted a multiple case study approach, 11 homeroom teachers participated voluntarily through school counselors' recommendation where semi-structured interviews were conducted. Their average age was 40.14 years old (SD=7.60) and they averaged 15.45 years (SD=6.80) of teaching experience. All participants had previous experience in successfully helping children who had bullying behaviors toward classmates. The results indicated three categories of successful guidance strategies: individual guidance, class management, and systems' collaboration. Regarding individual guidance, the teachers were able (1) to understand in depth about the factors involved in bullying; (2) to set clear interpersonal boundaries with the bullies; (3) to recognize and reinforce the children's personal strengths; (4) to face the children's provoking behaviors with calm manners; (5) to adopt win-win strategies in disciplining. Regarding class management, the teachers were able (1) to set clear safety rules and execute them consistently, (2) to encourage altruistic and empathetic behaviors and to facilitate positive behaviors in class. Regarding the systems' collaboration, the teachers cooperated mainly with the parents and resources at schools. Teachers' guidance strategies and models in helping bullies, as well as the impacts of Chinese culture on the teachers' guidance strategies are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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