


Vocational School Students’ Vocational Identity and Their Views on the Functions of School


石政言(Cheng-Yen Shih);蔣佳玲(Chia-Ling Chiang)


進修教育 ; 職業教育 ; 職業認同 ; continuing education ; vocational education ; vocational identity




29卷1期(2016 / 06 / 01)


67 - 96




本研究旨在探索學生對職業進修學校功能的看法,以及學生的職業認同與對學校功能看法之間的關係。循此理解學生認為學校對其從事之職業所具有的實質幫助,以作為規劃進修學校課程與學習目標的參考。為達研究目的,本研究以半結構式晤談與心智圖繪製為主,邀請十位年齡分布範圍在18-22 歲之間,具有現職工作的進修學校學生參與研究。研究者與每位學生個別訪談時間約六十分鐘,訪談時請學生繪製心智圖,以表達其想法。研究結果發現,學生視職業進修學校為獲得畢業文憑與考取專業證照的管道、提供交友功能的場所、以及逃避社會現實壓力的角落。職業承諾高的學生偏向深度的職業探索,為獲取高職學歷及專業證照、謀求更好的薪資待遇與自我肯定,他們積極投入學習。職業承諾低的學生則仍處於職業探索階段,不斷尋求職涯目標。他們對現職工作及學校課程有所疑惑,但若有值得認同的楷模或具有願景的目標展現在他們眼前,部分職業承諾低的學生會激發出積極的職業動機,展現生涯變化的可能性。


This study aims to explore the students’ viewpoints on the functions of vocational schools, as well as the connection between their vocational identity and their opinions on the functions of schools. After understanding the students’ views of the practical support their schools have provided, the curricula and learning goals of vocational schools were reexamined. Ten in-service vocational school students, between the ages of 18-22, were invited to participate in this study. Each student was interviewed individually by the researchers for approximately 60 minutes and they were asked to use mind maps to express their viewpoints. The results showed that students regarded the vocational school as a means to obtain diplomas and professional licenses, a place to get to know friends, and a place to escape from the pressures of reality. Students with higher vocational commitment tended to care about their careers more deeply. In order to obtain a degree or professional licenses, a higher salary, and greater self-affirmation, these students actively engaged in learning. Students with lower vocational commitment tended to be in the stage of career exploration as they kept searching for career goals. They were confused by their current jobs and with the school curriculum; however, when an identified career role model or a hopeful vision was demonstrated to them, some students with lower vocational commitment would be stimulated to gain a positive career motivation and expressed the flexibility to have a career/life change.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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