


Interview Notes and Reflections on Visits of Two Alternative Schools in Germany - a Jenaplan School and a Montessori School


余曉雯(Hsiao-Wen Yu)


另類教育 ; 耶拿計畫學校 ; 蒙特梭利學校 ; 德國教育 ; Alternative Education ; German Education ; Jenaplan School ; Montessori School




33卷2期(2020 / 12 / 01)


131 - 170






Since the Kingdom of Prussia, Germany has experienced several educational reforms and is an important source of alternative education in the world. This study focuses on two representative alternative schools in Germany, including the Jenaplan School and the Montessori School, which originated in the classical education reform stage but re-started after the reunification of the two Germanys. On the one hand, this study captures the core spirit and school profiles of the two schools through analyzing relevant literature and school documents; on the other hand, the study also tries to apprehend the characteristics of the two schools through field observations in schools, and dialogues with school principals, teachers, and students. Finally, the study emphasizes that, schools should be a community of life and learning which is constructed through the creation of the school atmosphere, space layout, festivals and celebrations, and through the establishment of educational relationships, and mixed-age learning form. Besides, student should be the real subject of his learning. School can actively promote students' awareness and control over self-learning through open curriculum designs, self-directed learning processes, and self-monitoring of learning results. This study aims to provide various related designs for schools to reference. It also encourages practitioners to think deeply about the actual educational implications, and create new alternative education possibilities under their respective conditions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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