


The Application of the Chinese Version of Remote Associates Tests in Creativity Research: A Review and Prospect


陳姵臻(Pei-Zhen Chen);吳清麟(Ching-Lin Wu);張雨霖(Yu-Lin Chang);黃博聖(Po-Sheng Huang);林緯倫(Wei-Lun Lin);陳學志(Hsueh-Chih Chen)


中文 ; 創造力 ; 創造思考教學 ; 頓悟問題 ; 遠距聯想測驗 ; creativity ; creative thinking teaching ; insight problem ; mandarin ; Remote Associates Test




34卷1期(2021 / 06 / 01)


1 - 44




創造力係教育領域持續關注的研究主題之一。遠距聯想測驗(Remote Associates Test, RAT)可有效評估創造思考教學成效。該測驗具計分客觀且施測時間較短的特性,應用於華人創造力研究已近20年。本研究統整自2000年以中文版遠距聯想測驗為工具之43篇期刊論文,針對研究目的分四個部分:不同版本之發展與比較、創造性問題解決歷程之探究、影響遠距聯想測驗表現之相關因素、不同介入成效之評估。結果顯示中文版遠距聯想測驗對應中文字層次(部件、字彙、詞彙)有三種版本,且廣泛應用於探討創造思考歷程。行為與認知神經科學研究結果皆指出個體在遠距聯想測驗的解題歷程必須跳脫框架、轉換問題表徵。同時,研究亦發現操弄內、外在因素皆有效改善遠距聯想表現。據此,建議在教學現場可採用中文版遠距聯想測驗評估學生創造力、營造安全的教學環境、重視學生自主發想、訊息整合與跳脫框架。本研究回顧21世紀至今中文版遠距聯想測驗應用於創造力研究之相關文獻,為中文版遠距聯想測驗的發展與應用提供一個綜觀性的框架,可做為後續研究檢驗創造力理論或現場教師評估學生創造力之參考。


Creativity has been one of the focuses of educational research. The Remote Associates Test (RAT) is a valid measurement to evaluate the effect of creativity training. Because of its objective scoring, short completion time required, and relatively simple question preparation, RAT has been adopted in Chinese creativity research for almost 20 years. This study integrates the literature and is divided into four parts: development and comparison of different versions, the exploration of the problem-solving process, factors related to remote association, and effectiveness of different interventions. The results show that the Chinese version of RAT was developed in three levels: radical, character, and word. Behavioral and neuroscience research indicates that the problem-solving process must be dynamic and flexible, and that manipulating internal or external influences can improve associative ability. Suggestions for teaching practices include assessing students' creativity with the RAT, creating a safe environment, training divergent and convergent thinking, and thinking outside the box. The present study provides a comprehensive framework for the development and application of the Chinese versions of the RAT, methods to evaluate students' creativity, and proposes a scope for future research to examine creativity theory.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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