Since the pandemics of COVID-19, human life has changed dramatically. This reminds us that our focus in life needs to be transformed from outer environment to the inner spirit. The competence of being in solitude and living with a tranquil mind have become valuable for facing this global difficult time. This article discusses the significance of tranquility for life and for spiritual education and argues that tranquility is an appropriate solution for human condition during the pandemic. Through literature analysis, three research purposes are addressed. First, the significance of tranquility is explained: tranquility plays a vital role for the growth of life. Second, the nature of tranquility is discussed from the viewpoint of science, psychology, philosophy, literature and spirituality. The power of tranquility and its conscious status are further described. Third, connections between tranquility and spiritual education are explored. Three suggestions for learners in spiritual education are as follows: 1) develop the competence of being well with the self, 2) learn to settle the turbulent mind, and 3) improve the level of life by getting into the condition of tranquility. Meditation is useful for improving harmonious state between the body and the mind. It helps spiritual growth, and supports a higher spiritual level while facing the difficult times of a disaster or the pandemic.
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