


The Development and Teaching Effectiveness of Environmental Literacy Curriculum of the Water Resources Conservation Fields


林明瑞(Ming-Ray Lin);陳冠妙(Guan-Miao Chen)


水資源保育 ; 環境教育場域 ; 特色課程發展 ; 水環境素養學習成效 ; Water resources conservation ; Environmental education field ; Featured curriculum ; Water environment literacy learning effectiveness




18卷1期(2023 / 06 / 01)


19 - 42






The fields of water resources are very important to the education of water resources conservation for teachers, students and the public. Combined with the goals of the water environment literacy curriculum, this study developed a special experiencing curriculum of the water resource fields, so that the personnel of environmental education fields can use this curriculum to conduct experiential teaching and interpretation to the visitors. Through (1) a questionnaire survey of the field personnel in the water conservation fields and (2) demonstration teaching evaluation of environmental education personnel, the results showed that this curriculum was important, understandable, could improve the environmental literacy of the visitors, and could improve the teaching ability of the interpreters. It was evaluated that this curriculum was suitable for the fields of water resources conservation of teaching. (3) Intervene in the guided and interpretive teaching for the water resources fields the results showed that the learning effectiveness of the visitors: the learning effectiveness after the intervention of the experiencing curriculum was significantly better than the simple guided interpretation, which could improve the visitors' understanding of water resources. The literacy learning effectiveness of the conservation site and the enhancement of visitors' understanding of the site facilities could also enhance the effectiveness of the guide and interpretation of the personnel of water conservation fields.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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