


The Current Situation and Development Tendency of Integrating Technology into Special Education




朱惠甄(Hui-Chen Chu);孟瑛如(Yin-Ru Meng)


資訊科技融入教學 ; 特殊教育 ; 文獻分析法 ; integrating technology into instruction ; special education ; citation analysis




17期(2014 / 12 / 01)


52 - 71






Integrating technology into special education has the possibility and necessity of its development indeed. The quantitative analysis of this study was based on the relevant references between 2009 and 2013. The purpose was to understand the research content of the field that integrating technology into special education, and furthermore comparing the research results of this study with the other that research province between 2002 and 2008 for discussing the developmental perspective of integrating technology into special education. Major findings of this study were: the most of the application of technology were used to response (1) students' physical and mental characteristics, (2) the need of students' learning course and (3) the trend of inclusive education; nevertheless, the level of integrating technology into special education still has some space to improve. Meanwhile, this study also proposed some suggestions that the people who were engaged in field of special education and researchers can take it as references in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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