


Gender Analysis of Long Term Care Utilization by All: The Case of Germany


王品(Pin Wang)


長期照顧保險 ; 身心障礙 ; 人口老化 ; 現金給付 ; 性別分析 ; long-term care insurance ; people with disabilities ; aging population ; cash benefits ; gender analysis




22期(2021 / 06 / 01)


93 - 148






Till today, we have little understanding of the similarities and differences in the use of long-term care (LTC) between women and men of all ages. This lack of knowledge results in limitations in planning relevant social and health care programs. In the past 20 years, Taiwan has attempted to design an LTC insurance program that includes the whole population. However, prior LTC research in Taiwan has either studied only a portion of the population as participants, or surveyed the use of only a few instead of all types of LTC services, rendering it impossible to plan an LTC program for all age groups. In fact, most countries, like Japan and Korea, design two separate LTC programs: for the elderly and those with disabilities, respectively. Only Germany and Sweden have LTC programs for all, accumulating comprehensive data on the entire population's use of LTC. Their LTC programs do not use economic status as eligibility criteria, and have produced reliable and sex-segregated data for more than two decades. This study explored the case of Germany, analyzing the gender and age-cohort differences in the use of LTC by all-age population in 2017 (the latest detailed datasets). Results indicated that, among the German LTC insurance beneficiaries below the age of 40, 80% of them opted for cash benefits, irrespective of gender and the extent of disabilities, and the share of those younger than 25 years, was 90%. Moreover, among those who were severely functionally impaired (level 4) and aged 60 and above, women and men exhibited significantly different preference patterns of LTC utilization. Also, among working-age population (30 to 60 of age), women were 10 times more likely than men to become unemployed or holding so-called mini jobs (thus insured as "dependents"), implying that family caregivers were still mainly female. Based on these findings, we discussed implications for Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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