


A Research on Challenges of Social Workers Maintaining the Best Interests of the Child in Custody Case


黃翠紋(Huang Tsui-Wen);溫翎佑(Wen Ling-Yu)


家事事件法 ; 未成年最佳利益 ; 社工 ; Law of Domestic Proceedings ; Best Interests of Children ; Social Worker




13卷1期(2017 / 07 / 01)


1 - 26






The judge usually makes reference from social worker's visit reports to decide who have the right of custody. In addition to, judge could appoint a representative to protect the best interests of the child in custody case. Furthermore, local courts also need to provide space for the county and city governments setting up family service centers. This study according to 18 interviewees social workers who are working on the custody cases, found what the main challenges of social workers encountered are as following: "all three types of social workers still play a vague role in custody events, there is no significant difference among their roles", "social workers regard children’s will, minimum change, parents’ good will, and intention to parent as the criteria of children’s best interest", "the attitude of trial judge is closely related to the content of social workers’ job", "social workers have no power to request the parties’ cooperation." Finally, authors of this study provide four recommendations: It is important to clearly define the specific role of professional social workers. Proper institution of recruitment and training for social worker should be established. It is crucial to strengthen the publicity to judges. Finally, it is necessary to build the cooperation platform among the relevant professional fields in court.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
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