


A Dyadic Narrative Study on the Start-Stop of a New-Inhabitant Couple's Intimate Partner Violence


邱獻輝(Chiou, Hsien-Huei)


文化考量 ; 家暴 ; 敘說研究 ; 種族特權 ; Cultural Considerations ; Domestic Violence ; Narrative Research ; Racial Privilege




13卷2期(2017 / 12 / 01)


27 - 54






New-inhabitant intimate partner violence (IPV) involves interracial cultural issues in which racial privilege and social discrimination often occurs. Therefore, the start-stop mechanism in this IPV type might differ from that of same-race couples. However, relevant studies on this IPV type were not only less than needed, but also limited on victims or perpetrators. To include both partners' viewpoints comprehensively, this study invited one Taiwanese husband who had committed IPV, but had ceased for one year, and his new-inhabitant wife to be interviewed. The spirit of the constructivism research paradigm was followed, the narrative inquiry method was adopted, and co-analysis tactics were used to analyze dyadic interview scripts. Results were categorized into four process themes: 1) background: male chauvinist with romantic trauma versus innocent girl with romantic expectations, 2) long IPV journey, 3) “changing positions: active pursuit of love in Taiwanese husband versus increased self-consciousness in new-inhabitant wife, and 4) the law comes into the family and leads the couple to reflect on themselves. These results implied that racial privilege, social discrimination might play essential roles in the process of happening and stopping of IPV.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
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