


The Relationships among Leadership Behavior, Organizational Identification and Organizational Learning




杜佩蘭(Pey-Lan Du);曾榮豐(Jung-Feng Tseng);黃英忠(Ing-Chung Huang);施瑞峰(Jui-Feng Shih)


領導行爲 ; 組織學習 ; 組織認同 ; leadership ; organizational learning ; organizational identification




3卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


45 - 67






For the last two decades, in the field of studying organizational behavior, organizational learning and organizational identification are regarded as very important issues and even be considered as the basic source of the competition advantage of organizations. This research proves the relationship and measure the fitness of leadership behavior, organizational learning and organizational identification by using Structure Equation Modeling. The 342 formal staff samples were chosen from the national universities in Taiwan. The results showed that leadership behavior has a positive effect on both organizational learning and organizational identification. In addition, organizational learning has positive effect on organizational identification. The mediating effect of organizational learning is also found to be signification between leadership behavior and organizational identification.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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