


Marketing Segmentation of Chi-Gu Ecotourism-Using Involvement as Segmenting Variable




陳璋玲(Chung-Ling Chen);吳政隆(Cheng-Lung Wu);林惠鈴(Hui-Lin Lin)


市場區隔 ; 遊客涉入 ; 旅遊品質 ; market segmentation ; involvement ; trip quality




3卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


96 - 115






Marketing segmentation is to divide a heterogeneous market into many subgroups. Each subgroup is homogenous given that people assigned to the subgroup share some common characteristics. With marketing segmentation, the industry is able to devise a specific marketing mix to meet the needs of tourists in a specific subgroup. Chi-Gu wetland is one of the popular tour spots in domestic ecotourism. Each year, this place attracts lots of tourists to watch black-faced spoonbill, ride rafts to visit lagoons etc. As a result, understanding tourists’ characteristics helps tourism industry to develop proper marketing tools. The purpose of the study is to segment Chi-Gu ecotourism market with a variable of involvement such that the profile of each segmented group is understood. The results showed that the market can be divided into two subgroups. One is of high involvement and the other is of low involvement. Most of tourists in the group of high involvement are female, married, aged with 31-41, civil servants and have a higher revisiting frequency. In addition, they demonstrate higher level of involvement in the aspects of importance, enjoyment, centrality and sign. On the other hand, the other group of low involvement is dominated with the tourists who are male, unmarried, aged with 20-30, students and visit the place first visit. They also have a lower intention to revisit and less appreciation for trip quality. At last, the study, based on the nature of each subgroup, proposed marketing suggestions for the concerned industry for their reference.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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