


Proactive Personality Improve Voice Behavior Survey the Perceived Organizational Support of School Latent Moderating Effects by Trait Activation Theory




廖珮妏(Pei Wen, Liao);呂辰軒(Chen Hsuan, Lu)


建言行為 ; 教師主動性人格 ; 知覺學校組織支持 ; voice behavior ; proactive personality of teacher ; perceived organizational support of school




13卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


1 - 21






The teacher's opinion expression behavior towards school is deeply meaningful to the development of the school. If a teacher actively put forward an opinion for the solution to school when the school encounters a problem, it's expected that school may review and improve. This shows that voice behavior is a valuable and important power of the school organizations. And in the organization which can support the staff of the environment, will be able to enhance the performance of employees to show the behavior favorable for organizations. This study aims at teacher's proactive personality, voice behavior and perceived supervisor support for exploration, and access latent moderating effects of perceived organizational support and proactive personality on voice behavior by utilizing the trait activation theory. This study use questionnaire as study method, questionnaires were handed out to 400 teachers by stratified sampling, while 375 samples were valid, with hierarchical regression analysis, the results are listed as follows. First, the higher of the proactive personality, the higher of voice behavior. Second, the higher of teacher's perceived organizational support, the higher of voice behavior. Third, perceived organizational support are the moderator variable that are positively correlated with voice behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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