


The Meta-Analysis of Dynamic Capabilities




陳殷哲(Yin-Che Chen);侯春妃(Chun-Fei Hou)


動態能力 ; 組織績效 ; 整合能力 ; 組織學習 ; 統合分析 ; dynamic capabilities ; organizational performance ; integration capabilities ; organizational learning ; meta-analysis




15卷1期(2021 / 06 / 01)


1 - 21






Dynamic capabilities provide an emerging competitive concept for the linkage between selection on strategies and responsiveness to high-velocity markets. By integrating empirical research findings on dynamic capabilities, this study inductively analyzed the relationship between dynamic capabilities and knowledge-based capabilities, integration capabilities, and organizational performance. The findings of this meta-analysis research were: the variable, knowledge- based capabilities, had an ES of .47, indicating positive correlation between dynamic capabilities and knowledge-based capabilities; the variable, integration capabilities, had an ES of .56, indicating positive correlation between dynamic capabilities and integration capabilities; the variable, organizational performance, had an ES of .50, indicating positive correlation between dynamic capabilities and organizational performance. It was concluded that dynamic capabilities was positively correlated to knowledge-based capabilities, integration capabilities, and organizational performance. Firms in Taiwan are urged to continuously absorb knowledge accumulated from effective routines and processes (including assimilation, exploitation, transfer or transformation), integrate internal and external resources or capabilities (including reconfiguration, recombination or transformation), and identify and develop dynamic capabilities of its own. Once a firm accomplishes transformation successfully, it will create the firm's new competitive advantage.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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