


The Relationship between Paternalistic Leadership and Patient Safety Attitudes-Mediation Effect of Person-Supervisor Fit




張振傑(Chen-Chieh Chang);馮兆康(Chao-Kang Feng);彭彥群(Yen-Chun Peng);蘇佩瑾(Pei-Jin Su)


病人安全態度 ; 家長式領導 ; 個人與上司適配 ; patient safety attitude ; paternalistic leadership ; person-supervisor fit




17卷2期(2023 / 08 / 01)


29 - 40






A good patient safety attitude among healthcare practitioners is extremely important to hospitals, patients and their families. However, this study found that in the past, patients' safety attitudes were rarely explored from the perspective of independent variables; therefore, it was impossible to understand how to strengthen nurses' patient safety attitudes. This study mainly explores the influence of paternalistic leadership on patient safety attitudes from the perspective of leadership theory; at the same time, it analyzes the moderating effects of different degrees of personal and supervisor adaptation in paternalistic leadership style on patient safety attitudes. The object of the study was the nurses of a hospital in central China, using the intentional sampling method, with a total of 590 valid questionnaires. The results found that moral leadership and benevolent leadership positively affect patient safety attitudes, and the fit between individuals and supervisors can strengthen the relationship between leadership behaviors and patient safety attitudes. Based on the research results, future research suggestions and related management implications are put forward.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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