This paper analyzes the transformation of secondary level history from a single subject to its incorporation into social studies, a fused broad-field subject, in the United States of America at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. This study is based on a critical survey of curriculum documents initiated by "History Ten" (1893), "History Seven" (1898), "Committee on Social Studies" (1916), and other related literature. By explicating the processes of initiation and write-up of the documents, the author confirmed that the transformation of curriculum proposals was influenced by several factors, including change in the social atmosphere, evolution of educational thought, the struggles of various academic groups, and promotion by key figures. On the other hand, the change resulted in contradictions and compromises regarding the different views on what exactly secondary school students should be taught in regard to history and society. Although "social studies" as a named subject was recommended in a 1916 report, "history" is still one of several subjects within the broad-field curriculum organization taught for more than one hundred years in the United States.
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