


Analysis and Exemplary Cases of Design Criteria for Learner-Centered Materials: A Case Study of America Social Studies Textbook




陳麗華(Li-Hua Chen);葉韋伶(Wei-Ling Yeh)


學習者中心取向 ; 教材設計規準 ; 課程鑑賞取徑 ; learner-centered approach ; design criteria ; curriculum appreciation approach




11卷1期(2018 / 04 / 15)


1 - 36






This study examined design criteria and exemplary cases for learner-centered materials. The curriculum appreciation approach was adopted. First, 24 design criteria for learner-centered materials were produced based on a review of studies on learner-centered theories and concepts. Then these criteria were employed to evaluate a social studies textbook from Pearson Publishing Company. Based on this evaluation, five learner-centered strategies were defined for use by textbook designers. 1. Various functional elements should be defined to guide learner-centered tracks or foci. 2. The essential subject matter of the whole unit should be defined, and design of the content and evaluation must be closely linked to it. 3. Diversified and multilevel learning materials and activities should be provided to expand the breadth and depth of users’ learning. 4. Reading comprehension skills should be embedded in the design of the text and learning activities to cultivate learners’ thinking abilities. 5. Enhancing learner subjectivity in the classroom should be the priority when designing learner-centered materials.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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