


Once Again on Mou Zongsan's Conceptions of Orthodox Confucian Criterion


賴柯助(Lai Ko-chu)


判斷 ; 動力 ; 無限的 ; 道德的形上學 ; 自律 ; 自棄說 ; moral judgement ; motivating force ; unconditional ; moral metaphysics ; autonomy ; self-renounce




38期(2021 / 12 / 01)


67 - 100






This paper is going to tackle two issues. (1) Whether Mou Zongsan misinterpreted or misused the concept of autonomy, which led to his inappropriate identification of Zhu Xi's philosophy as being different from the orthodox Confucius-Mencius line of tradition. (2) Which is Mencian explanation of the cause of evil, "that ben-xin renounced voluntarily his authority of domination" or "that ben-xin was deprived of its authority of domination by impartial inclinations?" Different interpretations may not only determine which character ben-xin is, transcendental or empirical but also relate to whether Mencius' moral philosophy, which is the foundation of Confucian theory, is coherent or not? Regarding (1), although Mou and Kant both defined autonomy as self-legislation, but Mou went further. According to Mou's conception of the standard of Confucian orthodoxy--whether moral law and motivating force are from the same source, and whether they have a necessary connection, autonomy could be categorized into the complete or incomplete mode. This further distinction is made by adding the elements of "theory of reasons". The former is Internalism-Autonomy; the latter is Externalism-Autonomy. Therefore, (1-1) Mou did not miscomprehend the meaning of autonomy, and his conception of autonomy went further in the sense of agreement with Kant. (1-2) His identification of Zhu Xi's philosophy is based on Confucian standard, so it is not inappropriate. With respect to (2), Mou constructed the theory of moral metaphysics on the basis of both his and Confucian understanding of morality. Confucian moral metaphysics implies that ben-xin is unconditional. "That ben-xin renounced voluntarily his authority of domination" is not an orthodox Confucian explanation of the cause of evil, for one reason is that ben-xin is unconditional, and the other reason is that ben-xin in this sense is not coherent with orthodox Confucian "ben-xin" which is a "free and unconditional mind."

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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