


Study of Construct and Measure a Model for People's Benefit Recognition of Local Festival Events in Taiwan




劉照金(Chao-Chin Liu);劉一慧(Yi-Hui Liu);孟祥仁(Hsiang-Jen Meng)


地方節慶活動 ; 體驗行銷 ; 涉入程度 ; 忠誠度 ; 效益認知 ; festival events ; experiential marketing ; involvement ; loyalty ; benefits recognition




2卷2期(2008 / 12 / 01)


141 - 162






Local governments pay more and more attention to festival events, promoting special local activities and traditional culture in order to develop their economies. However, the key factors for a successful festival event include not only the government and local councils' plans and implementations, but also residents' participation behaviors and awareness. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to construct a model of benefit recognition of festival events, and to compare different loyal levels and people's benefit recognition model of festival events. The method of this paper included the usage of a self-devised ”Questionnaire of Festival Event Participations and Feedback.” It was developed using previously published literature. Residents of Taiwan were questioned to reveal their benefit recognition of festival events in various regions. 850 out of 900 distributed questionnaires were validly and the data analysis was performed by the structural equation modeling (AMOS 16 statistics software). The result is follows: (1) The observed data fitted the aforementioned theoretical' model that construct of benefit recognition towards festival events was well. (2) People's benefit recognition was shown to have been strongly affected by their experiential marketing and involvement level in local festival events. Both experiential marketing and involvement level were significant direct positive influences on benefit recognition, and the total explained variance of the whole model was 69%. Of the two the experiential marketing displayed stronger results. (3) There were significant differences of benefit recognition model on different people's satisfaction levels of festival events, in other words, different people's loyal levels of festival events interfere their benefit recognition. In conclusion, based on the findings of the study, the effects of the model of benefit recognition of festival events was supported, and loyalty with festival events enriches people's experience and stimulates future interests. It can help promote people's recognition of the benefits of local festival events, and people's benefit recognition will interference by their loyal level.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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