


Web project-based Learning in Girl's Senior High School Students' STEM Education




羅希哲(Shi-Jer Lou);蔡慧音(Huei-Yin Tsai);石儒居(Ru-Chu Shih);詹爲淵(Wei-Yuan Dzan)


STEM知識 ; 高中女學生 ; 網路專題式學習 ; girls' senior high school students ; STEM knowledge ; web project-based learning WPBL




4卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


115 - 141




本研究皆在探討網路專題式學習(Web Project-Based Learning [WPBL])應用於高中女學生STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)整合性知識學習的歷程、內涵與特性。本研究以屏東一所高中女學生共10組,每組4人,共計40人作為研究對象。首先,研究者建置一網路平台作為WPBL的學習情境,提供學生討論、分享、整合的空間,再以文件分析法與訪談法進行資料的蒐集與分析,以取得研究結果。其結果包括:(一)STEM網路專題式學習的歷程為模糊、破冰、應用等階段;(二)STEM網路專題式學習具備合作學習、做中學、驅動問題等特性,有助學生正向的學習。最後,本研究提出之建議可作為應用網路專題式學習在高中女學生STEM知識學習相關研究之參考。


This study examines the process, content and characteristics of Web Project-Based Learning (WPBL) in Taiwanese girls' senior high school students' STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) integrated knowledge learning. The study participants were 40 students (10 groups of 4 students each) from an all-girls' senior high school in Pingtung, Taiwan. The researchers first constructed an internet platform for students to use to discuss, share, and integrate information and then collected and analyzed data from projects and interviews. The findings of the study include: (1) the processes of applying STEM knowledge to WPBL consist of uncertainty stage, breakthrough stage, and application stage; (2) the characteristics of the WPBL, including collaborative learning, learning by doing, and problem-solving can effectively assist students in positive learning. Finally, the recommendations of this study can serve as criteria for future research on the use of WPBL in girls' senior high school students' STEM education.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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