


The Relationships between Tourism Benefit and Residents' Participation: Trust as the Mediator




張凱智(Kai-Chih Chang)


信任 ; 民眾參與 ; 社區觀光 ; 觀光利益 ; Trust ; Resident Participation ; Community Tourism ; Tourism Benefits




8卷1期(2015 / 03 / 01)


67 - 92






There were many communities implemented the goals of sustainable development through tourism benefits; on the other hand, resident participation was the key point of sustainable development of community tourism, therefore the relationship between tourism benefits and resident participation was important for community development. Secondly, drawing from social exchange theory and social capital, the influences of trust played the critical role in monitored benefits transaction and participation on human behaviors. For the reason, evaluating the influences of trust between tourism benefits and resident participation in as many aspects of development were the most important step for sustainable development. This study proposed a concept structure model to clarify the causal relationships among those three constructions based on social exchange theory and social capital. Research objectives were selected from the east rift valley area in Taiwan, the similar social and cultural background and with tourism and community development experiences. 329 valid questionnaires were collected. The overall pattern of related indicators provided goodness-of-fit in this framework. The results indicated that tourism benefits were positive affected to resident participation; trust as the mediator influences between tourism benefit and resident participation, social exchange theory arguments to be confirmed. In the higher-trust group, the relationship between tourism benefits and resident participation was completely mediated by trust. The results of this study meant that the development of community tourism must be considered in the viewpoints of trust to achieve the objectives of tourism sustainable development. Therefore, this research provides the direction and comprehension to promote the community development of the policy making.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 管理學
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