


The Effects of Extrinsic Product Cues on Word of Mouth and Purchase Intention: The Case of the Packing of Chinese Herbal Medicine




李永新(Yung Hsin Lee);陳水蓮(Shui Lien Chen);陳柏廷(Po Ting Chen)


外部線索 ; 消費者價值 ; 口碑 ; 購買意願 ; 中藥材包裝 ; Extrinsic Cues ; Consumer Value ; Word of Mouth ; Purchase Intention ; Chinese Herbal Medicine Packaging




11卷1期(2017 / 12 / 01)


45 - 69






The dynamic of consumer behavior in the current environment have led to the gradual downfall of Chinese herbal medicine suppliers. To revitalize this Chinese herbal medicine industry, these suppliers have actively endeavored to transform their business models related the product package. This study explored the extrinsic product cues and consumer value theory to examine main factors affecting consumer word of mouth and purchase intention. 538 useful data were collected in Taiwan for the final analysis through online surveys, and AMOS was used employed to analyze the research hypothesis using structural equation modeling. The findings reveal that brand image and warrant have positive influences on hedonic value and functional value, which in turn affect exhibited significant and positive effects on purchase intention. Finally, this study shows several theoretical and managerial implications as a reference for practice and academics for marketing strategists and academic researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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