


The Study of Creativity and Instructional Design in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language




陳亮光(Liang-Kuang Chen)


對外華語文教學 ; 第二語言教學 ; 創意教學 ; 創造力 ; 師資培育 ; teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language ; creativity ; creative teaching ; teaching assessment ; teaching process ; CAP Creativity Assessment Packet




1期(2008 / 04 / 01)


143 - 172




創新被視為在高科技及知識爆炸的時代的關鍵能力,當全球華語熱正在發燒時,華語文師資培育課程中,創造力便是急需培育的能力之一,以因應臺灣朝國際化與全球化方向,增進臺灣在對外華語文教育的國際競爭力。生動活潑的創意教學可以帶動有效的學習,而創意源自於教師的創造力,故本研究提出整合對外華語文教學與創意思考教學的方法,以對外華語文創意教學模式及知情互動教學模式為理論基礎,建置對外華語文師資培育創意教學課程模組,以促進對外華語文教師的創造力。本研究的研究目的如下:(一)探討對外華語文創新教學模式促進創造力訓練的機制運作。(二)建置對外華語文創新教學模式促進創造力訓練的創新課程示例。(三)評估對外華語文創新教學模式對對外華語文教師創造力訓練的影響。(四)瞭解對外華語文教師對於對外華語文創新教學模式訓練的接受程度。 本研究採實際教學實驗設計,研究對象以某大學委辦來自某國家的對外華語文教師師資培訓課程,將學員隨機分成兩班,一般為實驗組(32人),另一班為控制組(32人),實驗組與控制組皆設定為相同教師和教材進度,教師依講義進行對外華語文教學和活動設計,所不同是,實驗組進行對外華語文創新教學模組教學,而控制組則為一般理論式教學,時間皆為期三週。以Williams創造力測驗、創造力技能能力評量表、學員學習心得問卷研究工具等研究工具,進行獨立樣本t檢定(單尾a=.025),分析是否運用創新教學策略對對外華語文教師培訓之創造力訓練中有關認知(流暢性、變通性、獨創性、精進性)、情意(冒險性、好奇性、想像力、挑戰性)及技能(樣式特徵、功能構造、材料應用)等因素的影響。 希冀透過本研究,藉創意教學課程模組化設計,提供對外華語文教師提高其創造力,並為日後推動行動方案,建構創意智庫,包括研發對外華語文創新教學、建立對外華語文創造力之專業知識、發展多元化的創意教學及創造力互動教學平台而準備。


The purpose of this study is to explore Chinese teaching models with a creative teaching strategy in teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language. The creative teaching strategy provides an open environment for Chinese teachers to improve their creativity and to develop and analysis teaching process by himself or herself. The environment is expected to support Chinese teachers in performing better conceptual teaching if the instructional and creative strategies have been applied well. The major studies have four aspects, shown as follows: 1. Building a model of creative teaching for TCSL teacher's training. 2. The study offers creativity and curriculum and instruction design to improve techniques of creative teaching and show their individual teaching achievement. Also Chinese teachers can understand how creative they work, and how much degree of their performance has been reached. 3. When applied a model of creative teaching in TCSL, the researcher employs CAP (Creativity Assessment Packet) to discuss the factors influencing the divergent thinking, feeling, and technique. 4. The researcher takes survey to conduct the factors influencing teachers' acceptance of a model of creative teaching in TCSL. Through an experimental teaching and questionnaires, the quantitative (t test) and qualitative analysis have been processed with iterative analytic induction. Then, the trustworthiness of this study has been validated in terms of constructing instructional models of creative teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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