


Theatre's Performance, Circulation and Political Struggle──Focusing on the History of the Performance of Roar China! in East Asia




邱坤良(Kun-Liang Chiu)


江舟泣血記 ; 鐵捷克 ; 上海戲劇協社 ; 楊逵 ; 梅耶荷德 ; Record of Bloody Tears of the River Boat ; Tretyakov ; Shanghai Theatre Association ; Yang Kui ; Meyerhold




7期(2011 / 01 / 01)


107 - 149




Roar China! is a play by the Soviet writer Serge Tretyakov (1892-1939) based on the international incident that occurred in Sichuan's Wan county; it premiered in 1926 in the Meyerhold Theater in Moscow. The victims are the Chinese people, the aggressors are the British Navy and an American merchant, yet its exposure of the oppressors and the oppressed is not limited to country or nationality, but also includes class contradiction and conflict. After its début, Roar China! was rapidly translated into various languages and was successively staged in various countries, with various versions and titles known even within single countries and languages. This play's circulation and translation processes alone reveal its complexity under different political times and circumstances, as it was subjectively adapted to fit performance objectives. There were fewer opportunities to perform Roar China! especially during the Sino-Japanese War, but after the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Nanjing Government under the control of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere and colonial Taiwan successively staged this play. Tretyakov and Meyerhold, involved in the premier of Roar China!, died in political struggles in 1939 and 1940, marking the end for this play in the Soviet Union. Yet, as theatre at the service of politics, the play left many traces in East Asia. Its many peculiar transformations during that time are rarely seen in world theatre history. What kind of impact have Roar China!'s political propaganda and instigation had in terms of dramatic time and space? How do politics in different times and circumstances operate this play's performance? Using this play as a concrete example of theatre's performance, circulation and struggle with politics, this paper attempts, from the perspective of political theatre, to rather fully explore the history of the theatrical evolution of Roar China! in the Soviet Union and East Asia as well as the influences from, and interactions with, the broader political context.


Roar China! is a play by the Soviet writer Serge Tretyakov (1892-1939) based on the international incident that occurred in Sichuan's Wan county; it premiered in 1926 in the Meyerhold Theater in Moscow. The victims are the Chinese people, the aggressors are the British Navy and an American merchant, yet its exposure of the oppressors and the oppressed is not limited to country or nationality, but also includes class contradiction and conflict. After its début, Roar China! was rapidly translated into various languages and was successively staged in various countries, with various versions and titles known even within single countries and languages. This play's circulation and translation processes alone reveal its complexity under different political times and circumstances, as it was subjectively adapted to fit performance objectives. There were fewer opportunities to perform Roar China! especially during the Sino-Japanese War, but after the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Nanjing Government under the control of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere and colonial Taiwan successively staged this play. Tretyakov and Meyerhold, involved in the premier of Roar China!, died in political struggles in 1939 and 1940, marking the end for this play in the Soviet Union. Yet, as theatre at the service of politics, the play left many traces in East Asia. Its many peculiar transformations during that time are rarely seen in world theatre history. What kind of impact have Roar China!'s political propaganda and instigation had in terms of dramatic time and space? How do politics in different times and circumstances operate this play's performance? Using this play as a concrete example of theatre's performance, circulation and struggle with politics, this paper attempts, from the perspective of political theatre, to rather fully explore the history of the theatrical evolution of Roar China! in the Soviet Union and East Asia as well as the influences from, and interactions with, the broader political context.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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