


The Value of Chinese Laws and the Affirmation of Literary Status: Translation and Reception of Dou E Yuan in France




羅仕龍(Shih-lung LO)


竇娥冤 ; 元雜劇 ; 法國 ; 翻譯 ; 巴贊 ; Dou E Yuan ; Yuan drama ; France ; translation ; Bazin aîné




23期(2019 / 01 / 01)


73 - 105






The Yuan drama Le Ressentiment de Teou-Ngo (Dou E Yuan, or Injustice to Dou E) was translated into French by the Sinologist Bazin aîné in the first half of nineteenth century, and it was published in the anthology Le Théâtre chinois (The Chinese Theatre) he compiled. Different from other plays collected in the same anthology, Dou E Yuan didn't draw its contemporary French readers' immediate attention. Nor was any performance given on the theatre stage during the nineteenth century. To better understand the reception of the play in France, in this paper based on the translation of Bazin aîné I try to compare the passages deleted, revised or misunderstood. Furthermore, I try to analyze what the Sinologists expected to understand in the case of Dou E and the Chinese concept of law and, on the other hand, how Bazin aîné, was influenced in his approach when he translated and modified the original play. In addition to the translation, in this paper I am also interested in other texts in which the play Dou E Yuan is not only related to justice but also evokes supernatural aspects. Last but not least, this paper tries to examine the presence of Dou E Yuan in 20^(th)- and 21^(st)-century textbooks or anthology, in order to know how the play has been perceived in the knowledge related to Chinese literature. Patrice Chéreau's work is also mentioned, since Dou E Yuan may be the first Yuan drama performed on the French theatre stage.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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