


Translations and Adaptations of The Story of the West Chamber from Late Qing to Early Republican Period and their Participation in the Development of European Sinology: Case Studies of Stanislas Julien, George Soulié de Morant and Shen Baoji




羅仕龍(Shih-lung LO)


西廂記 ; 儒蓮 ; 莫朗 ; 沈寶基 ; 翻譯研究 ; The Story of the West Chamber (Xi Xiang Ji) ; Stanislas Julien ; George Soulié de Morant ; Shen Baoji ; Translation studies




31期(2023 / 01 / 01)


1 - 43




本論文主要分析晚清民國三個《西廂記》法語譯本/改本,探究中、法文人如何在晚清民國文化交流模式的轉變過程中,以劇本譯介、小說改編為方法,介入漢學知識傳遞。《西廂記》法譯本首見於十九世紀漢學家儒蓮(Stanislas Julien)手筆,一八七二至一八八○年出版。儒蓮譯本被後繼漢學家莫朗(George Soulié de Morant)批評為遲滯,認為原作風格裡晶瑩剔透的優雅氣韻,在學究沉重的手筆下消失殆盡。然而莫朗並未重譯《西廂記》,而是將其改寫為小說體裁,題為《戀愛少女金鶯:十三世紀中國愛情小說》,一九二八年出版。民國留法學生沈寶基批評莫朗改本不見王實甫的詩意,但沈寶基同樣未重譯《西廂記》全文,卻在一九三四年以《西廂記》為題撰寫論文,獲里昂大學博士學位。沈氏藉由專門章節詳述《西廂記》各折劇情,間以選錄(甚至重新改寫的)賓白、唱詞穿插其中。論文最後一部分事實上並非沈寶基個人的見解,而是選錄沈德符、周德清、毛聲山、焦循、鄭振鐸等自古到今的研究,將其翻譯為法語。這些西方(法國)學者所未曾查考的國學觀點,導致十九世紀中期以來的漢學研究媒材與傳播方法產生變動,進而豐富了法國的元雜劇研究。


This paper aims to analyze three French translations/adaptations of The Story of the West Chamber (Xi Xiang Ji) published in the late Qing and early Republican China. My research focuses on the contribution of Chinese and French intellectuals to the transfer of Sinological knowledge, and I will examine how they remapped the cultural exchange model by means of adaptation and translation. The first French translation of The Story of the West Chamber was accomplished by the nineteenth-century Sinologist Stanislas Julien and published between 1872 and 1880. Julien's translation was however criticized by the twentieth-century Sinologist George Soulié de Morant, as lacking energy. According to De Morant, the elegance in the original script has evaporated because of Julien's heavy and pedantic writing. De Morant did not retranslate The Story of the West Chamber. Nevertheless, the story was rewritten by him and published in 1928 as a novel entitled Girls in Love, Orioles: A Chinese Romance Novel in the Thirteenth Century. The novel did not earn unanimous reputation. Shen Baoji (Chen Pao-ki), an early twentieth-century Chinese student in Sinology, criticized De Morant's revision for its lack of poetry. Still, Shen Baoji did not offer a new complete translation of The Story of the West Chamber. He received a doctorate from the University of Lyon, and in 1934 published his dissertation entitled The Story of the West Chamber. In addition to analysis of details of The Story of the West Chamber, Shen's study also showed selected (or revised) narrations and lyrics taken from the original play. The last part of Shen's work is based on research of Chinese scholars such as Shen Defu, Zhou Deqing, Mao Shengshan, Jiao Xun, Zheng Zhenduo, etc. Translated by Shen into French, the Chinese studies produced by Chinese scholars had access to the stage of western Sinology. The Sinology tradition established in the mid-19th century underwent changes, and the works of Chinese students/scholars enriched the study of Yuan drama in France.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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