
Tao Namen─蘭嶼觀光發展的新經濟模式


Tau Namen─A New Economic Model of Tourist Development in Lanyu




吳建翰(Chien-Han Wu)


原住民 ; 雅美族 ; 蘭嶼 ; 文化 ; 觀光 ; the Aborigines ; Yami ; Lanyu ; culture ; tourism




5卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


99 - 124




雅語稱民宿客人為Tao Namen。觀光似乎已成為蘭嶼貨幣經濟成長的主力,也是當前政府促進原住民部落發展的主要手段。當前民宿結合當地文化生態導覽的旅遊行程,反映出一種新的經濟模式正在蘭嶼茁壯,它和無需錢財的傳統農漁經濟同樣是倚靠「山」與「海」,可以不斷運用當地資源而再生產。但是此種新經濟模式交融兩種思維方式,本文將試圖說明一種是資本主義「投資」的經營策略,蛻變自往昔的「大眾觀光」,如今雅美當地人加入了文化生態的亮麗包裝,不變的是資金大量投入,精密掌控行程,與廣泛招攬客源等營運手法。另一個相對的思維方式則源於傳統文化中kagagan概念的實踐,將住到家中的客人納入並擴張自身社會資源的交換對象。這種方式將蘭嶼短暫的觀光季巧妙地銜接在傳統生活的週期中,雅美人即使投身觀光產業,也不必被迫完全放棄傳統生活方式。而這部分是極為關鍵,本文因此主張觀光發展雖然是世界性的潮流,但其在各地的發展型態仍受制於當地文化脈絡,蘭嶼也不例外,因而造就出獨特的在地風情。


Tao Namen─the term used for guests staying at B&Bs in the Yami language. Tourism seems to account for the lion’s share of the cash economy in Lanyu recently. It is also currently the primary means by which the government seeks to promote the development of indigenoustribes. A new economic model is booming, thanks to ecotourism that is characterized by tour guides with local ecological and cultural knowledge who are mostly associated with B&Bs run by the local people. The new economy runs the same way as the traditional economy did, in terms of its reliance on natural resources, in particular the mountains and the ocean.However, it is different because of two interlinking forces. First of all, there is capitalism, which developed in the context of ‘mass tourism’ in the past to become the new ecotourism, which now includes Yami culture, and is premised on injecting huge amounts of capital and putting in place clear travel itineraries to attract tourists. The second force is rooted in kagagan, a concept as well as traditional practice that regards home visitors as being incorporated into the exchange system of social resources. This traditional practice is so successfully attuned to the shorttourist season of Lanyu that Yami people need not change the fabric of their traditional life style while developing the tourist business. This second element is crucial, and the article therefore demonstrates that although tourism spreads globally, local cultures always structure their own unique styles, Lanyu being no exception.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
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