


The Amendments of Indigenous Status Identification Regulations and the Compositions of Male and Female Indigenous Populations from 1991 to 2015




王前龍(Chien-Lung Wang)


兩性原住民人口 ; 原住民身分法 ; 從姓原則 ; 通婚家戶 ; 身分登記 ; Indigenous Population ; Indigenous Status Act ; Surname-based Status Inheritance Rule ; Intermarried Households ; Status Registration




10卷1期(2017 / 06 / 01)


107 - 146






The standards dealing with the Indigenous Status obtaining or restoring in the conditions of intermarriage, child breeding and adoption were broadened progressively in the regulations promulgated in 1991 and in 2001, while Indigenous population increased by 58% from 1991 to 2015 in the context of democratization of Taiwan. However, the government did not reveal the increasing numbers of those obtaining or restoring status. This study aims to explore the compositions of male and female Indigenous population increase during 1991 and 2015. The method of "demographic bookkeeping" was adopted, using the released households registration numbers of birth and death to uncover the numbers of people obtaining or restoring status from 2001 to 2015, and then estimate the relevant numbers from 1991 to 2000. The findings are as follows: First, with the sex ratio of 108 for birth registrants and 145 for death registers, male's natural increase number is 140,000 and female's is 200,000 approximately, with which 400,000 males and 610,000 females obtaining or restoring status can be estimated. Second, the gap of 210 thousand mainly derived from the 30-64-year-old which also reflected the gap of life expectancies between the two sexes. Third, the estimated 130,000 males' status obtaining or restoring were motivated mainly by the Indigenous Movement in 1990s, while the number of 220,000 for female included the previous out-married ones. The approximate 200,000 intermarried households with Indigenous females formed during 1991 and 2000 were the main source of population increase after 2001, of which the children following maternal surname can obtain status according to the "Surname-based Status Inheritance Rule" of the Indigenous Status Act. The findings imply that the number of those who change to follow maternal surname to obtain Indigenous Status between the two sexes and between the two generations have to be further clarified.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
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