


Impact of Learning Motivation Theory Integrated into Digital Game-Based Learning on Elementary School Students' Effectiveness of Disaster-Prevention


凃佳豪(Chia-Hao Tu);歐陽誾(Yin Ouyang)


防災素養 ; 防災教育 ; 悅趣化數位學習 ; 學習動機 ; digital game-based learning ; disaster-prevention education ; disaster-prevention literacy ; learning motivation




30期(2013 / 11 / 01)


85 - 135






The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of learning motivation theory integrated into digital game-based learning on elementary school students' learning motivation and disaster-prevention literacy. The researchers conducted nonequivalent-control group design. The subjects were 46 fifth grade students from two classes. In the experimental group (composed 23 pupils), students participated in a disaster-prevention education which was designed by applying digital game-based learning. In the control group (composed 23 pupils), students accepted online course of disaster-prevention education. The course included four units and the whole experiment period lasted four weeks. After participating in the course of disaster-prevention education, students in the experimental group have positive comments on each part of the Scale of Learning Motivation of Disaster-Prevention Education and the disaster-prevention skills of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group. Students in experimental group also have positive attitudes toward the learning content, learning environment and systems of the digital game-based leaning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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