


A Content Analysis of Reflective Journal Writing: Exploring Prospective Teachers' Reflections on Field Experience during Intensive Practicum




周鳳美(Phone-Mei Chou)


省思 ; 省思札記 ; 師資培育 ; 教學實習 ; reflection ; reflective journal ; teacher education ; teaching practicum




3卷1期(2010 / 06 / 01)


41 - 69






The purpose of this study was to explore four preservice teachers' reflections on field experiences in the context of their Teaching Practicum course through the analysis of journal writing. To understand the ways that they learned to teach as well as the quality of reflection among prospective teachers, the researcher examined the topics and the levels of reflection produced by the four preservice teachers.Two major findings emerged. First, topics of reflection fell into five categories: (a) teaching methods and process, (b) evaluating teaching, (c) mentors' performance and ideas, (d) self-awareness, and (e) theories from the literature. These topics reveal that informants pay much more attention to teaching methods and process than to formal knowledge presented in the literature. Second, descriptive writing, descriptive reflection, and dialogic reflection were the three categories of reflective levels that appeared in the preservice teachers' journals. Among them, nonreflective descriptive writing appeared more frequently in their journals than the other two categories.As for the quality of reflection, informants were able to produce four types of reflection: (a) technical reflection, (b) reflection on action, (c) deliberative reflection, and (d) personalistic reflection. In addition, almost half the entries that were defined as descriptive reflection and dialogic reflection were analytic. Based on the research results, the author concluded that the use of the reflective journal is useful as a tool for transforming preservice teachers into reflective practitioners. The study concludes with a suggestion for cultivating reflection in preservice teachers in teacher education programs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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