The purpose of this study was to investigate the inservice teachers' learning experiences in the program of problem-based learning (PBL), and to provide the information about effects and feasibilities of implementing PBL in teacher professional development. The subjects were 28 inservice teachers who attended a one-semester Teaching Methods course in an inservice master's program. The course was designed around the learning activities of PBL. At the end of the course, a questionnaire and a thematic writing about the PBL learning experiences were administered. The findings of this study were as followings:1. On the dimension of the professional knowledge and practice, the inservice teachers' positive experiences are more than negative. There are above 96% inservice teachers agreed that the PBL program could improve their teaching knowledge, practical ability, and problem-solving ability. The PBL program could help them to connect instructional theories and practices, change their teaching beliefs, and solve their instructional problems.2. On the dimension of course experiences, the inservice teachers' positive experiences are more than negative. There are above 92% inservice teachers agreed that the PBL program could offer them more opportunities to participate in the class, and above 80% inservice teachers agreed that they more like to attend PBL classes than traditional ones. But there was still about 20% coverage in the thematic writing showed that the inservice teachers felt more confusion, time pressures, and team conflicts in the PBL program.The findings of this study provide suggestions for the program of inservice teacher education and point to interesting questions for future research.
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