


Integrating the Practice of Learning Community into Differentiated Instruction for Instructional Changes




游自達(Tzu-Ta Yiu);林素卿(Su-Ching Lin)


差異化教學 ; 對話辯證 ; 學習共同體 ; differentiated instruction ; dialogic communication ; learning community




7卷1期(2014 / 06 / 01)


23 - 45






Actively responding to student’s individual differences to enlarge their chance of success is one of the major concerns of educational practitioners. With the philosophy and practical strategies of school reform toward learning community, Manabu Sato promotes an idea of active, collaborative and reflective learning at classroom for education excellence. Differentiated instruction, which is an instruction strategy to enhance individual student's learning by adjusting the content, process, or product of teaching and learning has received increased attention over the past two decades. These two approaches of instruction provide different perspectives to meet individual learning needs and maximize the chance of success. For the purpose of promoting instructional changes for meeting students' characteristics and learning needs, this article aims at integrating the practice of learning community into differentiated instruction. The rationale and instruction practices of learning community and differentiated instruction were first analyzed. The ideas of school as learning community and learning as a practice in dialogue were also discussed. It is suggested that three aspects of dialogic communication in the learning practice can be used as a framework for the integration of learning community and differentiated instruction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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