


The Practice of the Flipped-Classroom Model in a University Course




黃志雄(Chih-Hshing Huang)


大學教與學 ; 早期療育 ; 翻轉教室 ; Scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) ; early intervention ; flipped classroom




10卷1期(2017 / 04 / 01)


1 - 30




本研究旨在探討以學生為主體之翻轉教室模式的實施歷程,以及翻轉教室模式對學生課程參與和學習結果的影響。研究以行動研究方式進行探究,並以研究者於2015年所開設之早期療育課程的60位修課學生為對象,蒐集學生學習省思、教室觀察和研究札記等質性資料,並採用恆常比較法進行質性資料的分析,同時,輔以研究者自編之學習回饋檢核表之量化資料。研究結果發現翻轉教室模式的實踐,包括課前預習、課中問題導向與 合作學習、課外小組專題探討、以及課後的學習省思等活動,能有效地因應研究者在教學現場中所發現之學生被動學習和參與意願不高的問題。同時,研究亦發現翻轉教室模式對學生學習的具體影響包括:(一)有助於學生的課程參與和學習;(二)有助於學生對早期療育課程目標的反思與學習;(三)有助於學生學習與人溝通和分享的非正式課程目標;以及(四)有助於學生的自我反思與自主學習能力的培養。本研究之歷程與結果,可提供大學教師在教學實務探究時之借鏡,研究過程中所運用之翻轉教室策略,亦可提供教師在因應學生課堂參與問題之參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore how the flipped-classroom model affects class participation and the learning outcomes of undergraduate students; an action research approach is employed. The participants were 60 students who had enrolled in an early intervention course offered by the author in 2015. The qualitative data collected included students’ reflections, records of classroom observation and the researcher’s reflective journal; the data were analyzed by means of the constant-comparison method. The findings on the qualitative data were supported by quantitative data collected from students’ feedback using checklists developed by the researcher. The results indicated that the flipped-classroom model allows students to engage in activities such as preparing the lessons in advance, using problem-based and cooperative learning strategies during the class, and being involved in extra-curricular group discussions and other learning activities after school. These activities seem to have effectively addressed the problems identified by the teacher (from the researcher’s experience in the classroom) such as students’ passive learning and non-participation. The results of this study show that the use of the flipped-classroom model affected the students’ learning in the following ways: (1) it enhanced class participation and increased the students’ motivation to study; (2) it facilitated students’ learning and encouraged reflection on the objectives of the course; (3) it helped students to communicate ideas and share with others; and (4) it developed students' self-reflection and autonomous learning skills. The process and results of this study can provide useful insights for university faculties and help them reassess their teaching practices. In addition, the flipped classroom strategy adopted in this study can also help university professors handle problems arising in regard to student participation in their classrooms.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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