Since flipped classrooms have become increasingly popular in the educational context, an important question to ask is: What would occur if the concept of flipped classrooms were applied to rural schools? In order to enhance the quality and effectiveness of education in rural schools, educators have endeavored to improve the learning environment with innovative lesson content and teaching strategies. In addition, they have been committed to reassessing what is intrinsic to teaching and learning in order to enable meaningful, effective and comprehensive education for students. This study explores the concept and characteristics of flipped classrooms to determine whether this method can enhance the quality and effectiveness of education in rural schools in Taiwan. It also investigates the relevant challenges for rural schooling, such as the lack of digital learning resources and teachers, and the extra teaching load experienced by teachers. In terms of the pre-learning teaching video, this paper notes the problems encountered with completing the video and the relevance of its content. Topics dealing with the misunderstanding of the concept of flipped classrooms, whether flipped classrooms are sustainable in rural schools and the problem of an overreliance on computers are investigated herein. Finally, some implications for rural schooling are discussed.
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