


The Effects of Local Level Actors in the Policy Diffusion of School as Learning Community




阮孝齊(Hsiao-Chi Juan)


政策擴散 ; 政策網絡 ; 學習共同體 ; policy diffusion ; policy network ; school as learning community




10卷3期(2017 / 12 / 01)


27 - 58




在全球化的浪潮下,政策擴散(policy diffusion)現象成為政策治理、跨域學習、以及教育改革的重要議題。許多學者針對政策以及方案「為何」以及「如何」跨越邊界傳播,提出不同的解釋。對於教師專業發展議題而言,近來新興的諸多翻轉教育方案,不論在內容或研修形式上,均有別於傳統由上而下的課程推動模式。本研究從擴散的角度捕捉課程推廣中的相關動力,並對於如何促成教育革新提出具體的模式。透過日本佐藤學教授提倡的學習共同體在各縣市推動的歷程,探究縣市中不同行動者形成的影響。本研究以質性研究為主要取徑,訪談32位各縣市以及中央重要政策推動者及課程督學,進行資料分析。研究結果發現學習共同體在各縣市擴散的模式不同,首長及行政部門扮演領導計畫的角色,教師組織及專業社群扮演專業知識擴散的角色,在地社群能進一步促進實踐知識及網絡的擴散,其夥伴關係亦影響學習共同體在縣市內的推動結果。


Under the current wave of globalization, policy diffusion has become a top issue in the fields of policy governance, interdisciplinary learning, and education reform. Many scholars provide different ideas about how and why policies and programs diffuse across borders. For teachers' professional leaning, in terms of contents and formats, flip education programs are widely known in recent years to be quite different from the traditional top-down curriculum promoting models. This research reveals the dynamic inside curriculum promotion from a diffusion perspective and discusses a model on how to bring about education reform. Professor Sato's school as a learning community program was used as a case study to inquire about the effects of different actors at the local level during the diffusion process. Using the qualitative approach, the research interviewed 32 key policy advocators and curriculum inspectors at the county and the central government levels. The result shows that there exists different models among counties in Taiwan, whereby the county chiefs and administrative offices play leading roles, teacher organizations and professional communities diffuse professional knowledge, the local communities promote the diffusion of practical knowledge and networks, and the partnership among the various actors affects the outcomes of the learning community in a county.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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