


A Practical Study of Integrating Classroom Observation Training and Self-Regulation Learning Strategies into Guidance Activity Teaching Practicum




羅家玲(Chia-Ling Luo)


自我調整學習策略 ; 教室觀察訓練 ; 輔導活動教學實習 ; Self-Regulation Learning Strategy ; Classroom Observation Training ; Guidance Activity Teaching Practicum




14卷1期(2021 / 04 / 01)


63 - 89






This research aims to explore the results and reflections of the researcher's practical strategies for improving personal teaching. Based on the researcher's teaching experience and observations in teaching practice courses, it is found that students often use subjective opinions as teaching feedback, which makes it difficult to discuss based on the same teaching theory, and a clear model of cooperation is also lacking. After the teaching discussion, students need consciously continue to practice. Therefore, the researcher tries on a systematic teaching model that integrates teaching concepts, classroom observation training, and self-regulation learning strategies. Through multiple evaluations and data analysis, the result of this teaching strategy is confirmed. This research also reflects on the teaching strategy as a reference to follow-up teaching practices. The research results show that: 1. At the level of cognitive learning, generally, students can understand and apply the idea of " effective teaching theory " during classroom observation, which is used as the knowledge basis for teaching analysis and feedback. 2. Generally, students can understand and apply classroom observation techniques in classroom observation, and are familiar with the teacher-centered cognitive behavior training model. 3. Generally, students accept and benefit from self-regulated learning strategies, " Trying to teaching clearly ", " Classroom Management" and "Confirmation of Student Participation " are the three major tasks that most students chose for self-improvement. This shows the learning focuses of novice teachers on their ways of professional development. 4. Even in real teaching field in middle schools, students can correctly apply teaching effectiveness viewpoints and peer-to-peer cooperation in classroom observation models to continue personal self-regulation learning. On the whole, this model is helpful for pre-service teachers to analyze teaching experience from the perspective of teaching theory and knowledge, and to understand, apply and cooperate the teaching strategies, to self-regulation learning which finally improves the missing before. The possibility of this teaching strategy used in the research could be supported. The researcher reflects on the teaching evaluation and research limitations of this course, as a reference for follow-up actions to improve teaching practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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