


A Case Study on the Teacher Positive Leadership in a Junior High School




謝傳崇(Chuan-Chung Hsieh);葉秋眉(Chiu-Mei Yeh)


正向領導 ; 班級經營 ; 班級導師 ; 教師領導 ; 國民中學 ; Class Management ; Homeroom Teacher ; Junior High School ; Positive Leadership ; Teacher Leadership




14卷2期(2021 / 08 / 01)


57 - 90






It is a data era of innovation and change. Whether it is economic or social interaction, we will pursue speed and novelty. But there is one thing, it takes three years, and the core beliefs will not change, so it is neither novel nor fast, that is, the junior high school teachers' positive leadership. The data tide brings a lot of quantitative research, but this research uses interviews for qualitative research. Rooting on three homeroom teachers in a junior high school to explore the practice of teacher positive leadership, analyze and summarize the leadership beliefs and specific actions of the leaders in implementing the management of the class. We look forward to providing specific methods of leading classes for the new generation of teachers who are about to enter the education field, and hope that, through the exchange and sharing of this study, we could stir up more reflection and foresight in teaching with the current teachers, and add new energy to the research of teaching practice. The results of this study found that the teacher's belief in positive leadership is that morality priority, advantage development and searching for personal value. The teacher's action in the positive leadership is that creating a good atmosphere, making good use of communication, promoting relationships and enhancing meaning. This study suggests that teachers can help students identify their own strengths to show their self-worth, guide students to devote to studying to pursue life goals, and uphold positive beliefs and actions to achieve the positive mode.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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