


Computer-aided Business Translation Teaching: the Use of MT and TM as Aids to Translation




史宗玲(Chung-Ling Shih)


機器翻譯 ; 翻譯記憶 ; 控制性漢語 ; 公司簡介翻譯 ; 商業信函翻譯 ; machine translation ; translation memory ; controlled Chinese ; company profile translation ; business correspondence translation




6卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


113 - 145




在全球化浪潮下,國際商業貿易合作關係日趨緊密,所以商務翻譯教學漸形重要。然目前有關商務翻譯教學之文獻不多,而這些文獻更少提及電腦輔助商務翻譯教學法。有鑒於此,本論文將介紹及探討兩種電腦輔助商務翻譯教學案例,包括:(1)機器輔助公司網頁翻譯及(2)語料庫輔助商業信函翻譯。前者介紹控制性漢語改寫公司簡介之原則及教學過程,並從學生回饋調查中,討論一些控制性漢語與機器翻譯 (MT)之相關議題。結果發現多數學生不認為MT應用會使譯者像機器般呆板,同時以控制性漢語書寫特定文件亦不會導致讀者及譯者之自然漢語能力退步,甚至控制性漢語訓練只是為少數特定目的,故不會戕害一般自然漢語之美,而最重要是對於非英語專長者,精通控制性漢語比精通英語翻譯來得容易、快速。除了學習MT之正確使用方法之外,學生更需要學習翻譯記憶(TM)工具,因為這是本地化產業要求譯者必備的能力之一。於語料庫輔助商業信函翻譯教學中,筆者聚焦在TM技巧及分析、辨識商業信函語篇的能力,學生必需使用TM工具建置語料庫,然後經由比較未使用及使用語料庫後的譯文,辨識出4C商業翻譯的語篇通則,亦即術語一致(consistency)、精簡結構(conciseness)、清楚易懂(clarity)、禮貌口吻(courtesy)。此外,透過問卷調查,發現超過半數學生在「TM經驗與技巧」、「TM輔助之發現式學習」及「情緒認知影響」三方面皆有正面回應。由此觀之,語料庫可充當學習鷹架,幫助學生學習合宜之商務翻譯策略。綜而言之,在商務翻譯教學中,可配合在地化產業及全球化之需求,提供MT及TM輔助之翻譯訓練,則使商務翻譯教學焦點從「翻譯 = 翻意」(符碼轉換)與「翻譯 = 翻異」(重寫與編譯),漸漸轉移至「翻譯 = 翻易」(簡易任務),此亦是電腦輔助翻譯教學之最大效益。


Business translation teaching has become increasingly important at universities due to the close ties established between international businesses in different countries under the mantle of globalization. However, little attention has been paid to the research on business translation teaching, particularly using translation technology such as machinetranslation (MT) and translation memory (TM) tools as aids. Thus, this research proposes two modes of computer-aided business translation teaching: MT-aided company profile translation and TM-aided business letter translation. The former emphasizes adapting current Chinese web texts of company profiles into controlled Chinese (CC) for effective MT application. Specific rules for CC are designed and introduced by imitating the grammar and syntax of English, and by complying with the discursive features of English web texts. An investigation of student responses to CC and MT operation shows that students in general think that human value can be highlighted through MT application, and CC is only used to write some types of texts for specific purposes, so it would not jeopardize the identity and survival of general Chinese. Furthermore, they agree that it is faster and easier for non-English majors to master CC than English translation. In addition to MT teaching, TM-aided translation teaching cannot be overlooked because it is an indispensable part of the daily translation done by local industries. Teaching TM focuses on the skill of developing corpuses and on students' cognitive ability to identify some discursive features of English business letters. Students' reflections show that after comparing their translations with and without consulting the business corpus, students have identified four rules in business letter translation: consistency, conciseness, clarity, and courtesy. Furthermore, the results of a questionnaire indicate that all students have given positive responses to the issues such as the learning of developing the corpus, student-centered learning, and an affective, cognitive impact on TM use. The results of this research have supported educational benefits of computer-aided translation teaching, and thereby future business translation teaching can try to shift its focus from "translating = trans-coding" (meaning transfer) through "translating = trans-forming" (rewriting and adaptation) to "translating = trans-hindering" (an easy task), with MT and TM components incorporated into the translation classroom for the optimal effectiveness of computer-aided translation pedagogy.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
社會科學 > 教育學
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