Walter Benjamin’s "Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers" is one of his most important published articles. Although it was published as an attached preface to his translation of Charles Baudelaire’s poetry, "Tableaux parisiens", this article was written not primarily to offer ideas on practical translation issues, but to account for his continuous and consistent concerns with language and linguistic-philosophical questions. Yet Benjamin’s unique style in his writings, perhaps more poetic and philosophical than scientific or pragmatic, makes them seem enigmatic. Thus inevitably there are many different interpretations of his essays, including this one. Although to fully understand this essay may be an impossible task, it will surely help to look more closely at his writing process here. This article thus looks at similar writing phenomena in Benjamin’s other texts that bear the same concerns with the philosophy of language. The primary focus will be on the Bilddenken ("picture thinking") - the constant and repeated use of a word root in forming verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc. in order to unravel a concept. One of the most concrete examples of his habitual writerly practice, this tendency or idiosyncrasy gives his writing a foreign sense even to German readers reading them in the original German. Thus obviously Benjamin’s essays will be difficult for readers from any linguistic background, even if reading them in translation, and professional translators will likely be struggling with the possibilities of translatability. Using the verb "mitteilen" (to inform, to tell something) as a concrete example, and also with the help of intertextual readings in Benjamin’s other linguistic-philosophical works, this article seeks to look once again at the method of Bilddenken employed in "Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers" with the goal of facing these difficulties that the translators nowadays are still facing.
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