Long viewed as a divinatory, religious, historical and philosophical work with roots in ancient Chinese culture, the Yijing has secured an idiosyncratic position in the Western academic sinology. This paper looks at the motives, strategies and ideologies with which the early Jesuit missionaries introduced the Yijing to the West, particularly with reference to the biblical exegesis tradition and how its derivative "Figurism" had influenced their interpretation and translation of this work. The present study purports to investigate how the Jesuit missionaries had appropriated the Yijing at multiple levels to facilitate the Confucian-Christian synthesis (following Matteo Ricci's Accommodation approach), in order to proselytize the Chinese gentry by mitigating the conspicuous discrepancies between Christianity and Ruism. With the acquiescence of the Roman Church and the patronage of the Kangxi Emperor, the Jesuit missionaries studied, interpreted and rendered the Yijing. Driven by an emic perspective based on Figuristic ideologies, a certain group of Jesuit missionary scholars penetrated and rewrote the Yijing to reduce the degree of passive resistance once this enigmatic Chinese canonical text encountered Christian civilization. What they did to a certain extent led to the reciprocal inter-culturation of China and the West. However, the Figurists' overly accommodating approach and their deliberate emphasis on the esoteric revelation of the "biblical truth" encrypted in the Yijing simultaneously prevented this text from being accepted by the reason-oriented European literati. Nontheless, the Figurists' translation and dissemination of the Yijing, did grant traditional Chinese cosmology, then in a peripheral position, access to the European literary polysystem as a challenge to the central Christian doctrines. Undoubtedly their efforts made a crucial contribution to the cultural communication between China and the West from 17th to mid-18th centuries.
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