
University Students' Perceived Benefits and Difficulties Related to Corpus-Assisted Translation






Shih-Ping Cheng(鄭詩萍)


corpus-assisted translation ; bilingual concordancer ; constructivism ; translator training ; 語料庫輔助翻譯 ; 雙語索引典 ; 建構主義 ; 譯者訓練




16卷1期(2023 / 03 / 01)


81 - 131




Studies have demonstrated that corpora can assist translation teaching and learning in numerous ways; however, students' use of corpus-assisted translation is rarely discussed in the literature. The present study investigated students' perceived benefits and difficulties when a student-centered, corpus-assisted translation approach was employed. A case study involving 29 Taiwanese university students was conducted to investigate how the students responded to the curriculum. The corpora employed in the curriculum were the Sinorama Bilingual Corpus and British National Corpus, and the corpus tools that were employed were TotalRecall and Tango. Questionnaires, student group interviews, student online feedback, pre-tests and post-tests, and query log analysis were employed to verify the results. The results indicate that intermediate-level students preferred TotalRecall over Tango because they relied on the Chinese translations of the bilingual corpus to comprehend the query results. In addition, the results indicate that lower-level students had major problems with grammar and that all students had difficulty with synthesizing the query results. The findings indicate that students can benefit from corpus-assisted translation with respect to their accuracy, word choice (vocabulary use and collocation), grammar, and spelling when they complete a translation cloze test. Corpus tools can enable them to develop the abilities to independently identify solutions to translation problems and to construct knowledge while translating. The majority of the students reported positive perceptions toward the corpus-assisted translation. The findings provide evidence that the student-centered, corpus-assisted translation approach enabled the students to acquire the ability to independently identify solutions to translation problems.


語料庫應用於翻譯的教與學在許多研究中皆證實有多面向的幫助,然而,少有研究探討學生如何使用語料庫輔助其翻譯。因此,本研究旨在探討於課堂中實施以學生為中心之語料庫輔助翻譯教學法時,學生所認知到的幫助和困難分別為何?研究對象為29名臺灣大學生,並採用個案研究法。選用以英國國家語料庫(British National Corpus)所建置的Tango單語語料庫,及光華雜誌內容所建置的TotalRecall雙語語料庫,研究工具為問卷、團體訪談、線上回饋、前後測,以及語料庫查詢紀錄分析。研究結果顯示,中等英文程度的學生偏好TotalRecall雙語語料庫,勝過Tango單語語料庫,因學生依賴雙語語料庫中的中文例句翻譯來理解查詢結果。研究結果亦證實,程度較低的學生在歸納語料庫例句的文法時,仍然面臨較大的問題。研究分析結果顯示,學生在使用語料庫輔助他們完成克漏字翻譯任務時,在翻譯的正確率、用字選詞(字彙/搭配詞)、文法、拼字等面向皆受益於語料庫所提供的相關資訊。語料庫工具也能夠幫助他們培養獨立解決翻譯問題的能力,並建構翻譯知識,並且大部分的學生對於語料庫輔助翻譯抱持正面的態度。研究結果證實,以學生為中心的語料庫輔助翻譯教學法,在不同程度上,可以幫助學生透過查詢語料庫,建立他們獨立解決翻譯問題的能力。

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
社會科學 > 教育學
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