In view of the literature with regard to leisure-related departments in universities applying Multimedia to assist teaching of leisure tourism and recreation programs and perform the effectiveness analysis of teaching is rare, moreover, with the different experiential providers to enhance student learning effectiveness is also a common subject for teachers. The research is based on cultural heritage guide of tourism and recreation programs, using Google Earth to create multimedia materials, to highlight the difference from the traditional materials. By a questionnaire survey, then we can reveal the students' assessment of experience marketing, experiential value and learning effectiveness for multimedia materials. The results showed that there was very positive evaluation of multimedia materials for respondents, especially in the deeper impression, visual effects, easy to involve, lead to curiosity and attractive, with features and learning effectiveness and so on. In addition, if the effective use of experiential marketing, especially in the relate and sense experience, and then with the appropriate experience providers, can effectively enhance the experience value of students, so that students feel that higher return on investment, thereby creating learning motivation and learning effectiveness.
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