
應用Google Earth於多媒體教材製作及輔助教學成效之評估


Applying Google Earth in Constructing of Teaching Material of Multimedia and Performance Assessment of Assistance Teaching




陳細鈿(H. T. Chen);蕭婷方(T. F. Xiao);陳筱喻(X. Y. Chen);高廷萱(T. X. Gao);簡婉如(W. R. Jane)


Google Earth ; 體驗媒介 ; 體驗行銷 ; 體驗價值 ; Google Earth ; Experiential Provider ; Experiential Marketing ; Experiential Value




4卷4期(2012 / 01 / 01)


43 - 73




鑒於大專院校休閒科系應用多媒體於輔助觀光遊憩課程教學效益分析之相關研究相當少見;再者,藉由不同體驗媒介提升學生學習效益亦是教師們重要的課題。本研究乃以觀光遊憩課程中之文化古蹟導覽為例,利用Google Earth (GE)製作多媒體輔助教材,以突顯與傳統教材呈現方式之不同,接著透過多媒體輔助教材展示及問卷訪問,調查台中地區技職院校休閒科系之學生對此多媒體輔助教材的體驗行銷、體驗價值與學習成效評價。然後以迴歸分析法、T檢定及變異數分析等方法進行資料分析及假說之驗證。結果顯示,受訪者對GE多媒體輔助教材評價相當正面,尤其在加深印象、視覺效果、容易投入、引發好奇及有吸引力、具有特色與知覺學習成效等方面。若能有效運用體驗行銷,尤其是關聯及感官體驗,再搭配適當的體驗媒介,可有效提升學生體驗價值,進而讓產生學習動機及學習成效。可見加強GE多媒體教材設計及製作品質,並加強可互動性,應可提升學習興趣及動機,促進學生對多媒體教材的認同程度,最終達到提昇學習成效的目的。此外,多媒體教材獲得學生認同程度高低,與使用多媒體教材頻率、學生體驗行銷、體驗價值及學習成效認知程度呈現正相關,因此多媒體教材製作之品質相當重要。教師若能提昇多媒體教材使用頻率及教材品質,則學生在多媒體教材認同程度會有提升,進而對GE多媒體教材之體驗行銷、體驗價值及學習成效的評價也會更高。由於不同學校之教師多媒體教材使用頻率及學生對多媒體教材認同程度不盡相同,故學生在GE多媒體輔助教材體驗行銷、體驗價值及知覺學習成效認知有部分顯著差異。而性別則對體驗行銷、體驗價值及知覺學習成效認知無影響。本研究之結果可作為實務及學術研究之參考,並彌補免費GE平台為輔具製作教材相關文獻之不足。


In view of the literature with regard to leisure-related departments in universities applying Multimedia to assist teaching of leisure tourism and recreation programs and perform the effectiveness analysis of teaching is rare, moreover, with the different experiential providers to enhance student learning effectiveness is also a common subject for teachers. The research is based on cultural heritage guide of tourism and recreation programs, using Google Earth to create multimedia materials, to highlight the difference from the traditional materials. By a questionnaire survey, then we can reveal the students' assessment of experience marketing, experiential value and learning effectiveness for multimedia materials. The results showed that there was very positive evaluation of multimedia materials for respondents, especially in the deeper impression, visual effects, easy to involve, lead to curiosity and attractive, with features and learning effectiveness and so on. In addition, if the effective use of experiential marketing, especially in the relate and sense experience, and then with the appropriate experience providers, can effectively enhance the experience value of students, so that students feel that higher return on investment, thereby creating learning motivation and learning effectiveness.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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