


The Effective Strategy of Storytelling for Entrepreneurs to Influence Employees: A Comparative Study of Entrepreneurs and Their Core Subordinates' Perspectives


蘇登呼(Teng-Hu Su)


創業家 ; 說故事 ; 員工 ; 中小企業 ; 餐飲業 ; Entrepreneur ; Storytelling ; Employee ; Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)




6卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


73 - 87






This study aims to analyze the effective strategy of storytelling for entrepreneurs to influence their employees by comparing entrepreneurs and their core subordinates' perspectives. Entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the restaurant industry in Taiwan were chosen as the study entrepreneur subject. This study did in-depth interviews with ten entrepreneurs and ten core subordinates of these entrepreneurs. The results of in-depth interviews show entrepreneurs and their core subordinates had some different viewpoints on what should be told and how to tell stories, like whether entrepreneurs should share their work experiences with employees, whether entrepreneurs should match their stories with deeds and whether entrepreneurs should tell stories by a free or serious way, etc. This study argues that the story's effect on generating the employee's interest and commitment will be improved if entrepreneurs can integrate these differences into their strategy of storytelling. Previous studies have ignored to study the entrepreneur's strategy of storytelling from the story listener's perspective and how entrepreneurs tell stories to their employees. This study contributes to improve these knowledge gaps and advance the theoretical and empirical discussion about the entrepreneur's storytelling.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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