


Beyond the Monetary Incentives: The Relationships between Employer Brand Attractiveness and Employees' Work Outcomes


陸洛(Luo Lu);林惠彥(Hui-Yen Lin);楊士倫(Shih-Lun Yang)


雇主品牌吸引力 ; 誘因基礎之人力資源管理制度 ; 工作態度 ; 工作行為 ; Employer Brand Attractiveness ; Incentive-based Human Resource Management Practices ; Work Attitudes ; Work Behaviors




7卷2期(2015 / 06 / 01)


113 - 128




雇主品牌的既有文獻多聚焦於雇主品牌與組織層次經營績效之關聯,而在人力資源領域,學者們的關注焦點則在雇主品牌對招募甄選之影響,鮮少有實徵研究探討雇主品牌對現職員工個人層次之工作後果的影響。故,本研究以「社會認同理論」(Social Identity Theory)為理論起點,探討雇主品牌吸引力與現職員工工作態度及行為間之關聯。更甚者,我們在控制了企業施行策略性(特別是誘因基礎之)人力資源管理制度的影響後,進一步檢視雇主品牌吸引力的增益效力(Incremental Power),即:雇主品牌吸引力是否能在誘因基礎之人力資源管理制度之外,預測員工的工作態度及行為。我們自編了一份「雇主品牌吸引力量表」,包含了組織成功、外部形象、產品或服務,及雇用關係四大企業對員工產生吸引力之面向。之後,結合其他變項測量,編成一份結構性問卷,以台灣全職工作者為研究母體,採便利取樣,總計回收630份有效問卷。採用階層迴歸來檢驗研究假設。結果顯示:在控制了誘因基礎之人力資源管理制度的影響後,雇主品牌吸引力對現職員工的工作滿意、組織承諾、離職意向、工作績效及組織公民行為仍有增益性預測效力。據此,我們建議組織可酌視其資源,來建構具有吸引力的雇主品牌,進而對現職員工工作態度及行為產生正面影響,達成留才效果,為組織創造競爭力。


Existing research on employer branding has mostly focused on its effectiveness in recruitment, largely overlooking its influence on the current employees. Furthermore, the literature has yet to provide a rigorous theoretical foundation for the relations between employer branding attractiveness and its presumed positive influence on employees. The aim of the present study is thus to explore the relationships between employer brand attractiveness and employees' work outcomes, from the perspective of the social identity theory. In addition, we examined the incremental value of employer branding attractiveness beyond the effects of strategic human resource management practices, especially the incentive-based HR practices. We developed a new "Employer Brand Attractiveness Scale", encompassing four main sources of employer brand attraction for employees. These are organizational success, construed external image, products or services, and employment. Using structured questionnaires, a diverse sample of 630 full-time employees drawn from a variety of organizations was surveyed. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that employer branding attractiveness had positive effects on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job performance, and organizational citizen behavior. Meanwhile, employer branding attractiveness had a negative effect on turnover intention. Furthermore, these effects of employer branding attractiveness on employees' work attitudes and behaviors remained after controlling for the effects of incentive-based human resource management practices. We thus suggest that employer brand can be an effective internal marketing tool for human resources management. Companies are advised to build up their own employer brand to retain and motivate their employees. Existing research on employer branding has mostly focused on its effectiveness in recruitment, largely overlooking its influence on the current employees. Furthermore, the literature has yet to provide a rigorous theoretical foundation for the relations between employer branding attractiveness and its presumed positive influence on employees. The aim of the present study is thus to explore the relationships between employer brand attractiveness and employees' work outcomes, from the perspective of the social identity theory. In addition, we examined the incremental value of employer branding attractiveness beyond the effects of strategic human resource management practices, especially the incentive-based HR practices. We developed a new "Employer Brand Attractiveness Scale", encompassing four main sources of employer brand attraction for employees. These are organizational success, construed external image, products or services, and employment. Using structured questionnaires, a diverse sample of 630 full-time employees drawn from a variety of organizations was surveyed. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that employer branding attractiveness had positive effects on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job performance, and organizational citizen behavior. Meanwhile, employer branding attractiveness had a negative effect on turnover intention. Furthermore, these effects of employer branding attractiveness on employees' work attitudes and behaviors remained after controlling for the effects of incentive-based human resource management practices. We thus suggest that employer brand can be an effective internal marketing tool for human resources management. Companies are advised to build up their own employer brand to retain and motivate their employees.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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