


Standards-Based Assessments for 12-Year Basic Education in Taiwan




宋曜廷(Yao-Ting Sung);周業太(Yeh-Tai Chou);曾芬蘭(Feng-Lan Tseng)


十二年國民基本教育 ; 班級評量 ; 國中教育會考 ; 國民中學學生學習成就評量標準 ; 標準本位評量 ; 12-Year Basic Education ; classroom assessment ; comprehensive assessment program for junior high school students ; standards-based assessment of student achievement ; standards-based assessment




59卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


1 - 32






Taiwan officially implemented 12-Year Basic Education. Entrance examinations and classroom assessments are one of the keys to the success of this new program. Because thousands of Taiwanese children will be affected, how to help the program succeed deserves scrutiny. In recent years, many developed nations have used standards-based assessment to enhance their educational programs. Standards-based assessment, therefore, could potentially be advantageous for Taiwan as well. In this study, the implications of broadly applying standards-based assessment were investigated by exploring its effect on knowledge diversity, scholastic ability, and academic pressure among junior high school students.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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