


Data Use in School Development Planning: A High School Case Study




潘慧玲(Hui-Ling Pan);張淑涵(Shu-Han Chang)


資料運用 ; 資料驅動決定 ; 塑義理論 ; data use ; data-driven decision making ; sensemaking theory




59卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


171 - 195




二十一世紀在國際評比的推波助瀾下,學生學習成效再度成為各國教改的重要議題,而資料驅動決定(data-driven decision making)在原本講求績效責任的教育脈絡中,更成為協助學校謀求改進發展以提升學生學習的重要作法。惟國內對此尚屬陌生,故為拓展國內資料運用(data use)之學校實務與學術探究,本研究試圖透過大學與高中之協作計畫,探討資料運用在一所個案高中現場之操作情形。在採用觀察、訪談與文件分析方法蒐集本個案研究所需資料後,發現個案學校經由不同資料之結合,解讀與診斷學校問題,進而研訂改進之行動方案。其中也呈顯了學校成員從懷疑到覺得受用的塑義(sensemaking)過程。而校長領導、成員的時間、能力與認同度是影響學校資料運用之關鍵性條件。


Propelled by the international comparison of student achievement in the twenty first century, student learning caught the world's attention and became critical to the agenda of education reform. Data-driven decision making plays a crucial role in assisting school improvement and enhancing student achievement; however, data use remains a relatively new concept for audiences in Taiwan. To enrich school practices and academic data use, this case study explored how a high school used data through collaboration with a university. Observation, interview, and document analysis were employed to collect data. The results indicated that the school had integrated different data to diagnose its weaknesses and problems. An improvement action plan was developed based on the data. It was also observed that school members who were initially suspicious gradually changed their attitude, finding the use of data to be meaningful in their sensemaking process. Effective principal leadership, as well as the time, capacity, and willingness of school members, were critical conditions for the successful use of data within schools.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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