This study explores the meaning of "technologies of the self" and develops an inventory to identify and measure undergraduates' technologies of the self. The inventory was proposed according to a literature review, semistructured interviews, expert review, exploratory factor analysis involving 452 undergraduates, and confirmatory factor analysis involving 1,361 undergraduates. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) The validity and reliability of the inventory developed are favorable, and the fitness of the model is acceptable according to second-order confirmatory factor analysis. (2) Nine categories of undergraduates' technologies of the self are Exercise, Confession, Problematization, Self-examination, Dialog, Parrhesia, Transgressive experience, Moderation, and Observation. Unlike the technologies of the self proposed by Foucault, Taiwanese undergraduates reveal a new category of observation and do not exhibit the category of Listening. These discrepancies may result from cultural differences between Taiwan and Europe as well as computer networks in the Net Generation.
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